This site maintained for educational organizations by The Florida School Labor Relations Service a Joint Venture of the Florida School Boards Association and the Florida Association of District School Superintendents for the FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL NEGOTIATORS Suggestions, critique and e-mail to FSLRS                 

F.S.447-PART II Enabling Act for Florida’s Public Sector Collective Bargaining
ACCESS/DISTRIBUTION re: opposition union’s access and distribution of materials / and related cases
ADEQUACY re: Supreme Court Ruling on adequacy lawsuit
ADEQUACY 2 re: Supreme Court Ruling striking adequacy amendment from ballot for 1998 election
ARBITRATION [exclusion] re: Excluding Arbitration by impasse resolution, etc. [Added to HandBook – August 31, 2000]
ARBITRATION [INTEREST] re: PERC’s recent case regarding interest arbitration in Florida
ASSESSMENTS I re: lead case on union’s right to uniform assessments
ASSESSMENTS II re: right of union to assess uniform assessments to unit members
ASSIGNMENT re: superintendent & board authority to assign, transfer, and reassign personnel
CALENDAR re: decision that made calendar a mandatory topic of bargaining
CAMPAIGN FUNDS re: unions collecting money in government owned buildings
CLASS SIZE re: Hillsborough case on class size
CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES re: Several cases on managerial/confidential employee determinations
COURIER re: All our files on unions using our “internal mail service”
COURIER 2 re: An additional more recent ruling [post Cal Board of Regents] February 3, 2003
CREATION/JOBS re: the abolition and creation of job classifications falls within the scope of management rights, F.S. 447.209, Fla. Stat. (1983)
DISCIPLINE re: mandatory topic of bargaining and cannot be legislatively “removed from arbitration” by impasse resolution
DESCRIPTIONS/JOBS re: job descriptions are “within the category of organization and operations” and need not be negotiated as a mandatory subject of bargaining
DRESS re: Teachers’ wearing particular union Tee shirts protected activity
DRUGTEST re: The Miami drug testing case – PERC ruled that “drug testing” was a mandatory topic of bargaining
DUAL REMEDY re: PERC decisions affirmed that ONLY ONE one remedy can be sought by an employee — contractual arbitration OR civil procedure
DUTY TO REPRESENT re: union’s duty to represent unit member/wages
E-MAIL CONSIDERATIONS re: NSBA article that is good “point of departure”
EXECUTIVE ROLE re: role of school board and superintendent in negotiations and impasse
Fair Representation/Wages re: union’s duty to represent unit member
Glossary re: terms for employee and labor relations
Grievance Rights re: Union right to refuse to process a grievance
IMPACT re: issues relevant to impact bargaining
IMPACT2 re: issues relevant to impact bargaining
IMPASSE re: Lee case on legislative body’s authority in resolving bargaining impasses
IMPASSE2 re: Legislative body’s authority in resolving bargaining impasses
IMPASSE3 re: 1997 Bargaining Team Training — Session Notes
INSIGNA re: Act does not confer absolute right to affix union insignia stickers to employer’s property
INSURANCE, ETC. re: continuing payments for insurance – status quo – at expiration of contract / dues deductions
INSURANCE2 re: continuing payments for insurance
INSOLATION re: information about required isolation of the school board during impasse resolution
INSOLATION2 re: linked from above case
PERC/APPEALED re: lengthy summary of Public Employee Relations Commission [PERC] cases that have been appealed
PERC/AUTHORITY re: a lead case on PERC authority
Proof of Prima Facie re: allegation is sufficient in union animus discrimination case
RECOMMENDATION/DURATION re: superintendents recommendation of contract for employee – duration rejected
SUBCONTRACTING I re: Duval food service sub-contracting case
SUNSHINE I re: Florida’s Sunshine Act
SUPPLEMENTS/ETC.. re: ULP case regarding continuance of supplements and several other topics
TENURE I re: Indian River case on tenure for non-instructional personnel
TENURE II re: “similar” with respect to tenured teacher/administrator[QUALIFIED/POSITION/SALARY]
TENURE III re: a tenured teacher on unpaid leave serving on the Board
TIME CLOCKS re: installation of time clocks not an unfair labor practice
UNIT CLARIFICATION/rotc re: illustrative orders regarding unit clarification
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