Meeting Overview

A FEN General Membership meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2025 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando.

Please complete the RSVP/ Registration form on this page to confirm your attendance.

Hotel Information

FEN members needing to make a room reservation at the Rosen Plaza, 9700 International Dr. Orlando, Florida 32819, can call the hotel at 407-996-1709 or book directly at: Florida Educational Negotiators at the Rosen Plaza, Orlando.  Book your room by December 30, 2024 to receive the group rate of $189. Room costs are your responsibility.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Room:  2nd Floor, Salon 13/14

7:30 am: FEN-sponsored breakfast.

8:30 am:  Welcome

Dr. Dawn M. Baglos, President, FEN.

8:35 am – 10: 00 am:  The Fingerprint Clearinghouse and the Process for Education Screenings.

Presenters: Kimberly Smoak, Deputy Secretary, AHCA,  Taylor Haddock, Assistant Deputy Secretary, AHCA,  David Pinsky, Background Screening Unit Manager, AHCA,   Louis Sloan, Background Screening Criminal History Supervisor for Education, AHCA.

10:00 am – 11:15 am: District implementation of School Safety Plans and Procedures (HB 1473 — School Safety).

Presenters: Elizabeth Kuhn, Esq., Deputy Superintendent, Pasco County Schools,  Michael Baumaister, Chief of Security and Emergency Operations, Pasco County Schools.

11:20 am – 11:30 am: Local union recertifications, a review of the data.

Presenter: Kevin Watson Executive Director FEN.

11:35 – Adjourn: FEN Member Discussion – district reports, settlements, challenges.

Facilitators: FEN Officers.

RSVP / Registration Information

Please take a moment to complete the RSVP registration form below.

Your response ensures you will receive important updates and the agenda for the event and assists us in planning the FEN-sponsored breakfast service.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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