What services does FEN provide?
Florida Educational Negotiators, Inc. is a non-profit professional organization for Florida Public school management negotiators, bargaining team members, and other management personnel who are involved in collective bargaining and labor relations.
Mission: To serve as a statewide coordinating organization for the continuing improvement of the quality and professionalism of educational management negotiations and labor relations in Florida.
Dedicated to:
- Improving Professional Skills & Performance
- Expanding Collective Bargaining & Labor Relations Knowledge
- Exchanging Information

Partial Listing of FEN Services
- Regular statewide meetings with programs that provide up-to-date collective bargaining and labor relations information, legislative development and district and state reports.
- Management training programs for negotiators, bargaining teams, superintendents, principals, and other management personnel.
- Collective bargaining and labor relations information and coordination of services with the Florida School Boards Association, Florida Association of School Administrators, the Florida School Labor Relations Service, and other management professional organizations.
- Resource persons for collective bargaining and labor relations workshops, and programs for management professional organizations.
- Legislative monitoring of proposals dealing with collective bargaining, personnel, and retirement issues.